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Scrap books in the kitchen

open a random scrapbook and find your old school friends, veterans, your parents when they were in high school.  See building that aren't there anymore or the local gossip of 1948.

Featured collections of Ruth Scribner, Betty Hicks, Laveran lpp ... 

House Museum Walk through and guided historical tour

take a look inside the historic home of the Robinson family lived in.  The center of the house is recognized as the first 'stick built' in town and painted above the door way. In 1784, Increase Robinson built his small home where he and his wife raised eleven children.  The house grew in size just as the family did. 

Increase Robinson Library and Neighborhood House

Our Library in the El

Lending library, school books from your past, old books,

Maine authors (some local ones too!)  Children's books and reading area. Sit and play. Reading is important at any age. Learn how to use an "old school" library card.

Increase Robinson Library and Neighborhood House copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
Please keep in mind that the content of this web site is copyrighted

and can not be copied, duplicated or reproduced in any form
or distributed through video, print, or the internet without the written permission of its owners.

Research Room for genealogists and family historians 

Published genealogies and Town Histories with genealogies and vital records

Town Reports for Hartford Sumner, Buckfield and other locals

rare unpublished manuscripts by donated local researchers made available in a supervised, assisted setting

Wireless 'hot spot' for your laptop

Holdings for the Hartford Improvement Committee

Holdings of the Sumner Historical Society

Holding of the Sumner Grange # 80